325. LONDON ON FOOT. A City of London banker friend warned me to avoid Deptford, or take my life in my hands. My jaunt in Deptford the next day proved again that such warnings are generally silly.

324. TRAVELS IN INDIA. Old Delhi Railway Station. 180,000 passengers a day.

323. NEW YORK ON FOOT. Riverdale, The Bronx.New York City is primarily composed of sediments that were metamorphosed during the Taconica nd Acadian orogenies roughly 500 – 400 million years ago. Garnets can be found in the rocks of the Hartland Formation and Manhattan Schist. It is in these hard rocks that the city skyscrapers have their foundations.” -Wiki. An Engineer in Queens once told me that you can track the location of hard rock by looking at the Manhattan skyline.

322. PASSAGES. Saskatoon, Canada. I’m no Alfred Stieglitz, but you wonder what he would have said about cheap cell phone cameras.

321. NEW YORK ON FOOT. Midtown East.

320. NEW YORK ON FOOT. Midtown, just west of Grand Central Station.

319. NEW YORK ON FOOT. Williamsburg, Brooklyn.

318. NEW YORK ON FOOT. Upper East Side.

317. NEW YORK ON FOOT. Boerum Hill, Brooklyn.

316. PASSAGES. Valley Stream, Long Island. 

315. NEW YORK ON FOOT. Williamsburg Bridge.

#314. NEW YORK ON FOOT. Midtown East.

313. NEW YORK ON FOOT. Midtown East.

312. PASSAGES. Saskatoon, Canada.

311. PASSAGES. Saskatoon, Canada.

310. PASSAGES. Regina, Canada. Capital city of Saskatchewan, with some of the great street names: Forget Street, Dewdney Avenue, Elphinstone. A city of surprises.

309. PASSAGES. Saskatoon, Canada. The first sign of spring in northern climes is the orange color of sunlight–as opposed to the thin yellow daylight of deep winter.

308. PASSAGES. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. One of the great small cities of the world–many of which feature a lot of bridges and ideas.

307. PASSAGES. Montreal. The only Canadian city that gets more interesting in winter.

306. NEW YORK ON FOOT. Midtown East.