159. NEW YORK ON FOOT. Central Park. Dogs and daffodils on a spring day at Cedar Hill. Cedar Hill’s nickname is Dog Hill, due to the fact that between 6 and 7am the area is inundated with hundreds of offleash Manhattan canines having the time of their lives. Kids and dogs were not built to be cooped up in small apartments, which is why I believe theirs is the purest love for a much loved place.
158. NEW YORK ON FOOT. Harlem. Looking north at the bottom of the hill that transitions the Upper East Side into El Barrio (AKA Spanish or East Harlem). The two communities are not alike (to put it mildly). The various hills in Manhattan were named when the island was rural, “mostly hills and shrubbery”. The bucolic place names are ironic, Turtle Bay being the most iconic. I have tried walking the boundaries of Murray and Carnegie Hill a few times, but it is not easy to navigate hills in the urban tangle.
157. NEW YORK ON FOOT. Staten Island. An outer borough that looks anything but outer borough.